Let’s get you and your bike ready for Pedal Pittsburgh
As a fundraiser, UPMC Health Plan PedalPGH enables BikePGH to continue to transform our streets and communities into vibrant, healthy places by making them safe and accessible for everyone to bike and walk.
We are so excited you decided to join us on August 25th, 2019. If you haven’t registered yet…it’s not too late!
We flew through early and regular registrations! And we’re on pace for late registrations to sell out quickly, so sign up today if you want to tour Pittsburgh by bike at the 26th Annual UPMC Health Plan PedalPGH! Click here to secure your spot. Want to review the route options? Click here to find the perfect ride for you and your friends.

Download the PedalPGH Ride Guide
The Ride Guide contains everything you need to know about UPMC Health Plan PedalPGH in one place! Click here to download.
This is our handy guide on how to give your bike a quick safety check, and what keep in mind while riding on Sunday (or any day for that matter).

Guarantee a Good Start
One way to guarantee that you’ll be off to a good start on the morning of PedalPGH is to have a tuned-up bike that’s ready to roll. Visit your local bike shop to get a full tune-up to be sure your bike is in working order.
Have you checked your bike since your last ride? When was the last time you had it in the shop? Regular bicycle maintenance can prevent accidents. Here is the “ABC Quick Check,” which you should do every time before you ride.

Looking for Ride GPS Files for Your Bike Computer
10 Mile – Peoples Local Loop
25 Mile – UPS City Tour
40 Mile – Dero Grand Tour
62 Mile – BikePGH Epic Challenge
Click on route names above for the ride with GPS file.

Riding Tips
Our Biking 101 Guide is full of great information that will help you ride your bike comfortably in Pittsburgh.
Our comic-book style guide to urban biking specific to Pittsburgh. Since 2007, over 50,000 copies of this guide have helped people learn the tricks, tips, suggestions, and laws to stay safe, comfortable, and legal while biking.