BikePGH believes that everyone should have a safe commute
Your support made it possible for us to achieve big results on Forbes Avenue. This is just the beginning of the safe and connected bike network we’re dreaming of, and your gift today is vital to the future of our streets.
BikePGH is fundraising to continue working towards our vision of safe and accessible streets with a goal of reaching $50,000 by December 31st. Will you help?
Safe streets change lives.
Here are three stories from people whose lives you’ve changed:
Your support made it possible for us to achieve results on Forbes Avenue. This is just the beginning of the safe and connected bike network we’re dreaming of, and your gift today is vital to the future of our streets.
P.S. We only have until December 31st to raise $50,000 and receive a $50,000 match. Support safe streets with a $10, $100, or $500 donation right now so we can double your donation. Click here to donate today.