The streets belong to you. We’ll help you use them safely.
Education is a pillar of our mission because every person deserves information and instruction to help make people-powered transportation safer and easier to access. With the increase in cycling and outdoor activities over the past two years, education has played an even bigger role in our work.
In addition to our free online video library that shows you how to use different types of bike infrastructure, how to find safe connections, and how to fix a flat, and more, we also provide many in-person learning experiences that benefit Pittsburghers of all ages.

Classes and resources
Every year, BikePGH provides numerous in-person experiences for all ages and experience levels, all free of charge, in locations throughout Pittsburgh. Here’s some of the work we did in 2022:
Supporting public school families:
- BikePGH led bike rides for over a hundred students in conjunction with Pittsburgh Public Schools, Environmental Charter School, City Charter High School, and Venture Outdoors.
- We worked with Pittsburgh DOMI’s Safe Routes to School program to audit the walking environment around schools and hosted bike trains and walking school buses in conjunction with the Wheel Mill that led over 50 students, parents, and volunteers to school for Bike to School Day.
- We trained staff from Environmental Charter School, Pittsburgh Public Schools, and Venture Outdoors on safe and fun biking with kids.
- And we provided professional development sessions for all Pittsburgh Public School Health and PE teachers to highlight the value of bike education in schools.
Adult education and instructor training:
- BikePGH held four Confident City Cycling classes which taught safe riding skills to dozens of attendees.
- We hosted a League Cycling Instructor (LCI) Seminar and certified 12 new LCIs from the Pittsburgh area and beyond so that there are now more people with the knowledge and skills to be teachers and leaders in the bike community.
Bike repair:
- We held four free Know Your Bike basic bike mechanics classes at Free Ride which taught 33 attendees how to perform basic repairs, adjustment, and fix flat tires on their own bikes.
Distributing free safety equipment:
- BikePGH gave out over 500 FREE front and rear light sets to people in need during our four Operation Illumination events and partnered with local shops and organizations to perform free safety checks on attendees’ bicycles.
- And finally, we gave away more than 260 helmets at Operation Illumination, Open Streets Kids Hub, and through community partners such as schools, community groups, and other nonprofits.
Our neighbors like Leslie & Gail benefit from these resources

As newer cyclists, Leslie and Gail wanted to improve their abilities to get around by bike, so they sought out education through BikePGH. They are now graduates of our Confident City Cycling program and have the skills to get around our streets safely with a bike.
Your donation helps us continue to offer free programs such as Confident City Cycling, Know Your Bike, and Operation Illumination free bike light giveaways. It also helps us support safe routes to school and youth bike education throughout Pittsburgh. Donate now and help keep these resources free and accessible to all who need them!
Together we can ensure that all of us have the tools to safely use our streets by bike. Please donate now to support our cycling education resources. Our goal is to raise $50,000 by December 31st. Your gift will be doubled by a generous donor. Thank you for helping make Pittsburgh a better place for all.