DOMI to release the first biennial report on Complete Streets
In 2016, the City of Pittsburgh adopted its Complete Streets Policy, which compels the City to design and operate our streets so they work for all users – especially people who bike, walk, use mobility aids, and take public transit – wherever and whenever possible. As part of this policy, the City quickly created the Complete Streets Advisory Group (CSAG) to provide feedback on the City’s Complete Streets and Traffic Calming projects and to keep track of the progress of implementing vision documents such as the Bike(+) Plan and Pedestrian Safety Action Plan.
As per the policy, CSAG was supposed to submit a biennial report to City Council showing the progress of the Complete Streets program in Pittsburgh, but that never happened in part because the group stopped meeting during the onset of the COVID Pandemic.
Getting the CSAG together again has been a priority of BikePGH, and we are celebrating that DOMI reconstituted the group last Fall with a diverse cross section of residents as well as representatives from City & County government, advocacy groups, and transit organizations. They have since been working on their first ever biennial report, which will detail the state of our streets: what has improved and what needs to be improved. They’ll specifically be reporting on the effectiveness of the Complete Streets Policy and the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program, which have made a significant impact on improving infrastructure for people who bike, walk, and roll while reducing vehicle speeds in some of the most problematic areas.
Tune In On March 4th & Speak Up
Now, thanks to Councilmember Barb Warwick, a Post-Agenda Meeting has been scheduled for DOMI to present the report publicly and have a discussion with members of Council.
You can watch the presentation on March 4th at 10am in-person at the City County Building, Fifth Floor, 414 Grant St or on the City’s YouTube Channel.
Listen for questions or comments made by your Councilmember and follow-up with them via call, email, or letter to let them know you watched and what improvements you would like to see made for more Complete Streets in your neighborhood!
You can also join with other advocates in your neighborhood and campaign for those changes you want to see. Watch our recent training about how to use City budgets and plans to effectively advocate for those changes.
This report is an important step in the City being able to track the progress and effectiveness of the Complete Streets Policy over time, and we’re glad to see that it is finally being released. Now we need to show our elected officials that their constituents are paying attention and we expect them to take action for safer biking and walking in their district so this new report does more than sit on a shelf.
There is a lot more work to do, and we look forward to the next two years of progress!