
Check out some of the current projects that we’re pushing for.

Awareness Campaign to End Sidewalk Parking

BikePGH is reminding drivers about the importance of keeping sidewalks clear when choosing a parking space. The campaign uses visual storytelling to show how the decision to park on the sidewalk puts people in harm’s way.

Click here to learn more

MoveForwardPGH, 2020-2022

MoveForwardPGH was an initiative of the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to implement their new Bike(+) Plan. Through community engagement and a marketing campaign, we working closely with DOMI and POGOH to build support for installing miles of new bike-friendly connections throughout Pittsburgh.

Click here to learn more about this project!

Safe Trips in the Strip

Thousands of Pittsburghers travel to and through the Strip every day on their commutes and for shopping and visiting. Yet roads in the Strip remain some of the most confusing, aggressive, and dangerous. Every Pittsburgh resident deserves streets that are safe and accessible, no matter how they choose to get around.

Click to learn more about our campaign

Parking Protected Bike Lanes

Municipalities in Pennsylvania lack the ability to easily install protected bike lanes and pedestrian plazas to physically separate people from car traffic. Due to a technicality in the PA Vehicle Code that requires cars to be parked within 12” of the curb, Pennsylvanians are denied a life-saving tool that has been used successfully in states and municipalities across the country. Click for more details

We Bike. We Walk. We Vote.

We educate our thousands of Pittsburghers on how candidates for public office will fight for biking and walking improvements. Find out what the candidates, and now elected officials say about street safety, livability, and transportation. Be sure to Pledge to vote in your upcoming election!

Bike. Walk. Vote

Past campaigns

BikePGH History

There is no doubt we’ve left a mark on this City. To see the complete list of things we’ve worked on, see our History Page.