Positive Spin

Positive Spin

9270556568_c369dcc667_oPositive Spin is a program designed to teach youth how to operate bikes safely and navigate through city streets, trails, and parks. Positive Spin pairs adult mentors with youth to complete bike rides and creative advocacy projects, empowering youth to play active roles in their personal health and the vitality of their communities.

Positive Spin has been a program of Summer Dreamer’s Academy since its first year in 2010. Positive Spin aims to engage, motivate, and empower under-resourced youth to create positive community change through exercise, education, and advocacy. Youth make positive choices that will have a lasting effect on the wellness of the individual and the community. This year Positive Spin will operate as a program of BikePGH, helping to amplify its advocacy efforts from years previous.

The photos below come from Positive Spin over the past few years, courtesy of MGR Youth Empowerment, the founder of the Positive Spin program.

If you have any questions about this program, please direct them to Julie by emailing positivespin@bikepgh.org.