Bike to Work Day

Enjoy freebies, fun, and become a BikePGH member at our Bike to Work Day Commuter Cafés.

Exact Locations + Times TBA

On Bike to Work Day, get some outdoor time, reduce traffic congestion, and improve our air quality. All are welcome to join us whether you ride for work, fun, fitness, or everyday life.

Don’t forget to gather your crew: Bike to Work Day is a great staff bonding activity– Share the joy of biking to work with your office! Let your company, organization, or just your work bestie know about Bike to Work Day, and then make a plan to participate together: Download our 2024 poster here and send it to your work friends.

BikePGH is your local non-profit advocacy organization that works on behalf of the Pittsburgh community to make our streets safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycles and pedestrians.

Did you know BikePGH has 3,400 members? Join us and support key community programs, educational resources, and advocacy initiatives that help fellow bicyclists and pedestrians get to where they need to go. Not to mention, the limited-edition swag, member benefits (save $$$ at local bike shops), and that awesome feeling you get from supporting safer streets for biking and walking.

So now you’re convinced – you want to be healthier, you want to be happier, and you know that Bike Anywhere Week will help you do just that. Join or renew your BikePGH membership today and help make our city a better place to bike and walk!

Sustaining Membership Keeps Our Wheels Turning

Join or renew your membership as a sustaining member during May and receive a free gift when you visit us on Bike to Work Day. Sustaining Members provide BikePGH with a dependable base of revenue used to sustain our work in advocacy, education, and community programs. As a sustainer–monthly or annual–your contributions are ongoing and remain active until you say otherwise. Monthly sustaining members make ongoing, monthly contributions. Annual sustaining memberships automatically renew each year. Sustainers do not receive renewal notices in the mail, saving more resources that go right back into the programming. Most importantly, sustainers have the satisfaction of knowing they are always actively doing their part to keep BikePGH’s work going.

Thank you to our Bike to Work Day partners!