
Sign up for the Bikepool matching service


Bikepool [baik-pool] – noun, verb – A group of two or more people who bike to work or school together. Riding with others is a good option. It can be a very welcoming opportunity for new and/or inexperienced riders, and it creates a larger road presence for all riders.

Find an existing BikePool on the BikePGH Message Board or create your own!

Bikepools often begin informally, but what a lot of people don’t know is that CommuteINFO offers a bikepool matching service that helps people connect with an ongoing bikepool in their neighborhood. Program participants receive benefits like Emergency Ride Home and are included in a data base that counts the groups. The more frequently bike commuters are counted the more we count when decision makers decide how public funds are spent for road improvements.

Register for the service here.

Encourage co-workers and neighbors to sign up!

Keep us in the loop too. Tell us about your experience so we can learn from it and share your story.
