Positive Spin Toolkit

Positive Spin Toolkit
Positive Spin is BikePGH’s free youth cycling curriculum that teaches youth the skills they need to safely explore their neighborhood on two wheels and become lifelong cyclists.
The curriculum empowers youth to enjoy bike rides, complete advocacy projects, and learn basic maintenance. It has been reshaped to serve many schools, after-school programs, and organizations as well as providing consultation to other program sites starting their own youth cycling programs. Over the past decade, it has served thousands of youth empowering them to play active roles in their personal health and the vitality of their communities.

Workshops and Presentations
We are focused on bringing bike safety and education to students during the school day with presentations and workshops tailored to your school environment.
We are taking big steps to institutionalize bike education and safety in local schools! If you are interested in bringing a workshop or presentation to your school, please send us an email at education@bikepgh.org.
Support for Your Bike Club
Want to start an after-school youth bike club at your school? BikePGH can help by sharing resources, supplies, and connections to get your club up and running!
Once your club has started, our engagement could include, but is not limited to, guest-hosting rides, supplies and materials, maintenance, and troubleshooting, sharing your story with BikePGH followers, and civic or advocacy engagement opportunities!
If you know any other organizations serving youth before or after school that would like to use the Positive Spin curriculum, please get in touch!
Start your own youth program with the Positive Spin toolkit
Click here to download a copy of The Positive Spin Toolkit — a tried and tested guide Bike Pittsburgh developed to bring innovative youth cycling programming to your community. Positive Spin is a youth cycling program that teaches youth the skills they need to safely explore their neighborhood on two wheels and become lifelong cyclists.
It provides the opportunity for youth to experience the freedom granted by a bicycle, improves self-confidence, teaches self-reliance, and integrates healthy activity into everyday life. This toolkit is meant to help you — whether you’re a Physical Education Instructor, Program Administrator, PTA Member, or Community Leader, you can implement this transformative programming with youth in your community.
Check out the Positive Spin Toolkit