BikePGH and ACTION-Housing: Changing Lives One Bike at a Time

Willie and Tyeisha from our summer cohort show off their new bikes on a ride to The Southside.

Reactivating our Earn-a-Bike Program

In 2016, BikePGH adapted its successful Positive Spin youth cycling program to meet the needs of young people aging out of foster services, through a partnership with the ACTION-Housing My Place program. The program delivered a Positive Spin-inspired curriculum and brand-new bikes and commuter accessories to its graduates.

After serving dozens of youth, the program went on hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the demand for bicycles as a vehicle for transportation, recreation, and physical and mental wellness remained. Fast forward to 2023, BikePGH was able to reactivate this vital program with the support of The Pitcairn-Crabbe Foundation, ACTION-Housing, Cannondale Bikes, and League of American Bicyclists Coach Neil Walker. Over three cohorts- spring, summer, and fall- fifteen young people earned brand new bicycles and supplies for commuting!

Coach Neil Walker shows Justin, Tyshaun, and Isis from the spring cohort how to check their helmet fit.

Gearing up for Success

ACTION-Housing’s MyPlace program seeks to provide young adults aging out of foster care or experiencing homelessness with the skills and resources they need to live independent and self-sufficient lives. A bicycle is a perfect tool for independence that creates flexible, affordable transportation options and provides users with a healthy and green alternative to the costs of car dependence. We wanted to supply the youth in the program with the best, most reliable equipment for the job. We procured Cannondale Treadwell 2 hybrid bikes because they were comfortable, lightweight, hearty, and stylish. Cannondale also donated Quick helmets to the program which featured integrated rear lights to improve visibility. Participants were also provided with backpacks, Kryptonite U-locks, bike lights, and loud bells courtesy of Portland Design Works. Thanks also to the staff of Public Lands for assembling our first batch of bikes for the program.

Isis from the spring program helps us to receive the new bikes. In addition to helping us at the site, she learned how to ride for the first time.

Sharing The Know-How

Macario, Astasia, and Angelique from our fall cohort learn to signal a right turn while riding.

Bikes and equipment are only as effective as the skills to use them, so each youth enrolled in the program was provided with the opportunity for at least six hours of group instruction with additional private lessons and consultation available. Instructional sessions based on Confident City Cycling and League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling Curriculum focused on understanding bike infrastructure and the rules of the road, navigation and using the Pittsburgh Bike Map, and on-the-bike riding practice culminating in group road rides on local streets and trails.  

Macario practices parking lot stopping drills prior to riding on the road.

You Never Know Where A New Bike Will Take You 

Many young people in the program were able to ride a bike for the first time since they were children, if ever. All benefitted from instruction that was zero-judgment and tailored to their individual needs and experiences. While some youth received hands-on learn-to-ride lessons, others discovered ways to access local trails and amenities such as parks, grocery stores, bike shops, and local universities. Youth also learned how to use the bike racks on Pittsburgh Regional Transit buses and how to access POGOH bike share when their own bikes were not available. Program graduates were inspired to bike for work or recreation, to learn maintenance and repair skills, and to plan long-distance trips. Two youths from the program were inspired to join a bike ride to Cumberland, Maryland, another started delivering for UberEats with his bike as soon as he earned it, another used his bike to commute to his job at a local restaurant, and another is already learning to customize his bike at Free Ride. All youth in the program were excited about the possibilities opened up by access to their new bikes.  

Justin from the spring cohort on his Cannondale Trail 24″. Justin always struggled to find bikes that fit him until this one.

Thank You!

Thanks again to ACTION-Housing for their enthusiastic partnership in the program and everything they do for the youth they serve, The Pitcairn-Crabbe Foundation, Cannondale for help procuring high-quality bicycles and helmets, Coach Neil Walker for his experience and mentorship to the youth we served, and our members like you for the continued support of our educational programs. We look forward to seeing these new riders on our roads and trails! 

Treshaun from the spring cohort on a bike ride to The Color Park. Treshaun would later ride all the way to Cumberland, MD on The GAP trail.
An email postcard from Justin after he used a PRT bus bike rack for the first time to visit Schenley Plaza.

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