BikePGH’s Membership Challenge Week 4

Week 4 Challenge: Nature

In Pittsburgh, nature is all around us. Our steep hillsides, lush parks, and rivers are filled with plants and wildlife that bring great ecological, social, and health benefits to our region.

Now that the weather’s warming up, it’s the perfect time to soak up the sun and enjoy the green spaces in our city. This week, your challenge is to bike or walk to the wilderness near you!

Step 1:

Whether you want to plan your walking or biking route before venturing out, or you’d rather wander, it’s up to you! Looking for a lesser-known park or green space? Check out the City’s list of parks, including smaller neighborhood parks, and choose one that you can get to by foot or by bike.

P.S. Did you know that BikePGH has been successfully advocating for open space for people in city parks during the coronavirus crisis? While we hope more will follow, we are excited that three city parks will be going car-free for the summer to help support safe and socially distanced exercising for residents.

Step 2:

Use the Pittsburgh Bike Map or the mapping tool of your choice to plan your walk or ride to the landmark.

Pick up a free paper map at the bike fix-it stand in front of the BikePGH office (188 43rd St, Pittsburgh, PA 15201).

Step 3:

Set off on your walk or ride and appreciate the wild places of Pittsburgh! Use the bingo card below and observe your surroundings. How many bingo items can you spot in the nature around you? Tag us in your completed board: @bikepgh

Step 4:

Take a break! Find a spot along your adventure to sit quietly. Engage your senses to observe nature around you. Take three deep breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Keep your senses engaged as you travel back home, and remember those sensations throughout your week.

Follow along on our adventure!

Hi! I’m Lydia, BikePGH’s Events & Volunteer Coordinator. For this week’s challenge I did a combo bike/hike. I donned my mask, hopped on my bike, and headed into Allegheny Cemetery. Just through the cemetery gates I saw a chestnut tree that was absolutely covered in flowers and checked off my first four bingo squares: flowering tree, squirrel, robin, and a very grumpy blue jay. I biked through the rollercoaster roads of the cemetery, found a spot to lock up my bike, and began hiking along the edge of the woods.

After hiking for a bit I had checked off most of the bingo squares, so I decided to stop to rest. The forest floor was a bright, saturated green from a heavy morning rain and the air was thick with that sugary Pennsylvania spring scent. I took a few deep breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth. Those breaths felt amazing, like I re-discovered parts of my lungs that I had forgotten about! After a few more contented moments enjoying the woods, I headed back towards home ready to face the rest of the week head on!

At Home: Become a Window Naturalist

Activity Level: Low 

Duration: 30 minutes

If going outside isn’t possible for you right now, you can still get some sunlight and a view of the sky! Choose a window in your home, set up a comfortable chair, and have a seat. Take a look at the scavenger hunt in Step 3 above and see what you can cross out in 15 minutes of window-time. Don’t forget to look for a cardinal, robin, or blue jay flying or by!

If you’d rather scrap the scavenger hunt, simply sit and enjoy the natural light. Open up your window and take three deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, filling up your lungs with a little more air each time.

DIY: Make a Nature Vignette

Activity Level: Low

Duration: 10+ min

We’re bringing the outdoors, indoors! Take a step outside and look around your yard or neighborhood for fallen branches, tree clippings, weeds, flowers* and more. Pick a selection of branches or rocks to form the base of your vignette, and build in some layers of leaves and foliage on top. Your creation doesn’t have to be perfect – nature is messy! Repurpose an empty vase, tray or bowl in your home to arrange your finds, and brighten up a tabletop or empty corner with your own little piece of the outside world.

*Please be respectful of the property and plants of others. And watch out for poison ivy!  

Additional Resources:

  • Happy Trails! Choose an adventure of any length from this list of curated trail rides and nature walks. Create a free account to see full details.
  • Neighborhood Nature: Check out these digital resources from our friends at the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy!