Bike the Vote 2011 County Executive: Mark Patrick Flaherty

Mark Patrick Flaherty, Allegheny County Chief Executive


1. Do you use a bicycle in Allegheny County? If so, for what purposes (commuting, recreation, errands) and how often?

“My six-year-old daughter, Deirdre, loves to ride. I try to ride with her as often as I can, using a borrowed or rented bicycle.”

2. Have you championed or strongly supported any initiatives that are in line with Bike Pittsburgh’s mission of establishing Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible, and friendly to bicycle transportation?

“I am a strong supporter of initiatives that continue with the mission to establish Pittsburgh as a city that is increasingly safe, accessible and friendly to bicycle transportation.”

3. Do you support Allegheny County’s new bicycle/pedestrian plan, Active Allegheny? (yes, no)

“I support the plan’s mission.”

4. If yes, how do you propose to implement the recommendations once elected?

“First, I would like to discuss the recommendations one at a time with experts from Bike Pittsburgh and other organizations devoted to similar pursuits, determine the most efficient and timely ways to act on each recommendation, and develop a time-line and cost analysis. As with any action that involves county government, we would proceed at a pace that takes into account the availability of funding and other factors.”

5. Given our area’s relatively low rate of car ownership and the recent transit cuts, what specific ideas do you have to make active transportation choices like biking and walking more appealing in Allegheny County?

“Pushing forward on some of the recommendations in the Active Allegheny plan would be a good start.”

6. What do you think is the number one risk to walkers and bicyclists in Allegheny County? What have you done/will you do as an elected official to remedy it?

“The greatest risk to walkers and bicyclists who share streets and roads with trucks and cars would be the chance of being struck and killed by a vehicle. I will listen to the advice of experts from groups such as Bike Pittsburgh to help improve safety standards and reduce risks for walkers and bicyclists.”

7. Do you believe safe biking and walking infrastructure enhance a community’s quality of life? (yes or no)


8. Do you believe biking and walking are worth investing in as a county? (yes or no)


9. In what ways can enhanced bicycling and walking facilities and opportunities benefit the county?

“Again, I would rely on recommendations from experts and enthusiasts, including members of Bike Pittsburgh.”

10. Would you work to get more bike/ped safety projects underway in the county? If so, what would be your focus?


11. Do you have a bicycling story you would like to share with our constituents?

“I’ve always enjoy riding. No favorite story, but a lot of good fun and exercise.”

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